
I love Boxie

I've loved the T-shirts on this website ever since a clever clever person wrote a tiny piece on them in Style magazine last year. They're awesome. They're cool without trying to be, or at least it appears that way - its always difficult to tell as too many people are so damn cool nowadays anyway - but suffice to say, if a T-shirt can actually make you look like less of a loser then Boxie is on winning form.

With catchy, unheard of slogans like the one above (my absolute favourite, please ignore the slightly 'hard' looking model), they're only £23. A little random, but a rather sweet and kooky "about us" section seems to explain it all, or in actual fact sheds no light on the idea behind the company whatsoever but at the same time still manages to draw you in.

A little bit like a weird arthouse film that you watch but have no chance of ever understanding, either you'll think they're super cool or that its completely pretentious bollocks.

You can even send in a story that has shaped your life in some way, and they'll create a catchy slogan based on that story in their T-spoke section. You won't know what exactly they've written until you get it, which is the wonderful charm, or sheer horror of it all, but either way they're definitely worth a glance...

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