
The East End Thrift Store

Last weekend the Boy and I decided to give the East End Thrift Store a visit. Its been over a year since we last went and we weren't disappointed. What was once a loft room stuffed with junk is now a showcase of their best vintage finds. Downstairs you can still find amazing bargains for £10 - and if you're looking for a snowman or reindeer intarsia jumper btw this is definitely the place to go - but upstairs is now like an Aladdin's cave of clothing delight.

I tried on that yellow, blue and red jumper and was about 30 seconds away from buying it before shoppers guilt (and my mothers voice) kicked in and I reluctantly put it back on the hanger, so if you were the lucky person who bought it - good on you!
 We then ventured to Brick Lane to have a look in Beyond Retro and some other stores before I declared myself to be 'vintaged-out' much to the Boy's amusement and we headed back west to the more 'modern' world of Topshop. Not before however seeing this bendy bus completely mounted on the curb and making a horrendous mess of trying to reverse.

A good day all round.

1 comment:

Lauren said...

Great pictures! Where is this store? xx.

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